The GeoPark's excellent natural environment is already appreciated by the establishment of four Großschutzgebiete (large protected areas), the:
This landscape is natural habitat for numerous endangered animal and plant species, which is characterised by a special variety, individuality and beauty of a unique cultural landscape in Central Europe. The northeast of Brandenburg became, due to the geological and geomorphological diversity of the soil surface in connection with various climatic effects, a crossroad of plants and vegetation types. Western beech forests would naturally dominate the landscape. Nowadays, they are only preserved in fragments for example in the area of the terminal moraine around Chorin. Southwest of Feldberg are their hall-like stands still present in larger areas. In its ground vegetation we find besides woodruff, wood melick, sorrel further from the western highlands coming plants like wood barley, wood fescue, sycamore and yew. A Nordic influence in the flora is reflected in numerous caldron fens, which are preserved in high-precipitation terminal moraines in a unique beauty and number. Dwarf birch, cotton grass, marsh tea, sundew, bog rosemary, fenberry and more can be found in the sparse pine and birch woods or on open moorland. In the eastern part of the area, which has lower precipitation, we meet a whole range of plants that have their origin in southern and southeastern vegetation forms such as the service tree, dorycnium germanicum, the fragrant violet and the helleborine. From the eastern steppe and wooded steppe regions one can find pheasant's eye, small pasque flower and others. On the ground moraines close to the river Oder near Gellmersdorf, Parstein and Groß-Ziethen oak, basswood and hornbeam forests are the potential natural vegetation. This from the East European woods to our region coming form of forests is the counterpart to the western beech groves from high-precipitation regions. Agricultural use has shrunken the area. In the glacial erosion landscape near the river Oder around Gellmersdorf are unspoilt leftovers preserved like Danzig vetches, peach-leaved bellflowers, wonder violet, liverleafs and lilies of the valley. In these parts of the eastern region exist partly well preserved hedgerows with a rich biodiversity like blackthorn, cornus and wild fruit, which give the cropland a structural element. The widespread running and standing waters of this landscape are rich in well worth seeing plant species. The variety of structural forms reaches from seaweed over water lilies to dense reed stands. The long economic impact of man on vegetation is clearly visible. Large-scale deforestation helped many wild grasses and herbs to develop. Cultivation of tree species changed the natural picture of deciduous woodlands to large-scale coniferous forests rich in pines. Especially around Chorin exist forests with a broad variety of tree species. Many exotic tree species are cultivated here for scientific purposes. |